
Eloquent dictionary
Eloquent dictionary

For guidance on citing Eloquent (giving attribution as required by the CC BY licence), please see below our recommendation of "Cite this Entry". Please note this CC BY licence applies to some textual content of Eloquent, and that some images and other textual or non-textual elements may be covered by special copyright arrangements. This entry about Eloquent has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) licence, which permits unrestricted use and reproduction, provided the author or authors of the Eloquent entry and the Lawi platform are in each case credited as the source of the Eloquent entry. Having the power of expressing strong emotions in vivid and appropriate speech. On this website, you can find definition for eloquent from the 1913. adjective Capable of or characterized by eloquence. Elusive adjectiveabstruse apt to flee baffling difficult difficult to catch difficult to comprehend difficult to understand eluding clear perception elusory enigmatic equivocal escaping. Webster dictionary was developed by Noah Webster in the beginning of 19th century.Elude verbabscond avoid baffle be concealed break away break loose dodge eludere escape escape by artifice escape detection escape notice evade evitare flee get.Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Elucidate verbannotate ascertain bring out more clearly cast light upon clarify clear of obscurity clear up comment upon commentate construe decipher decode define demonstrate. Definition of eloquent adjective in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.Elicit verbarouse author awaken beget bring about bring forth bring forward bring out call forth cause draw forth draw out eblandiri educe effect effectuate.Elevation nounadvancement aggrandizement altitude canonization consecration coronation deification dignification elatio elevated place eminence eminency erection exaltation.Elevate verbadvance aggrandize attollere beatify boost build up canonize cause to rise confer an honor consecrate deify dignify distinguish erect exalt glorify.characterized by forceful and appropriate expression.

eloquent dictionary

Elementary adjectiveapparent basal basic beginning crude easv easv to understand elemental foundational : r damental inceptive initiatory introductory obviolain prec. eloquent having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech: an eloquent orator.Elect (Choose), verbcreare decide deligere determine in favor of distinguish by special selection eligere eliminate the alternatives exercise an option exercise discretion make a choice make a selecti. Eloquent expresses stronger praise than do articulate or well-spoken.Elderly adjectiveadvanced in years aetate provectus aged along in years hoary matured old seasoned senescent.Elaborate Verb add to amplify augment be more specific detail develop elaborare enlarge upon enrich expand give additional information go into detail improve uponmagnify perfect.

Eloquent dictionary